computer with code on it

Using Astro for my blog?

Why would I do that?

I dont know, I feel like it? and I want a reason to try new frameworks, those I don’t have the chance to play with at work. so here is a great place to experiment I think.
One of my friend told me “You know code, go for it try things with a blog, look at what i’ve done [… skipping hours of bragging …] and that’s how I found my cat again.” he may have gone off topic around the end, but the message was there, who cares about what’s on it? what language I speak. as long as I have fun doing it.
or I think that’s what they meant. idk, they often say they hate code, and wanna bang their head on their keyboard. (-_-;)・・・

Why Astro?

I have no idea, I was wandering on Stack blitz saw that one, and wanted to give it a shot. I don’t need to deal with any back-end, nor actual hosting, all I have to think about it my code. so why not give it a shot..! ( ´ ∀ ` )ノ

What will I post on here?

I have no idea. code related stuff? ranting, in japanese or english? tutorials?!
No idea. let’s say it’s a new adventure! o(*^▽^*)o

Will i switch to Vue or some other framework?

Mayhaps yes. and probabaly a lot, because I really want to experiment with things I can’t play with at work.

But Kyo-chan, what was the last post about?

I had access to some AI, and tried to make a blog post with it.
I haven’t wrote a line myself in there.
Please dont pay attention to it..!

What’s next for Astro?

Dark theme, really soon, and I also want to edit the style of this whole website.
I like the base one, but I think about making it more… me..!

That’s it for now beyyyyy~!


meeeeee Kyoko Takahashi

Hi! I'm Kyoko, A happy Japanese developper, mostly working with American software, and sometimes, for japanese clients!